Average Temperature Map of the United States January 2018

Average Temperature Map of the United States January 2018

Average Temperature Map of the United States January 2018 is the Map of United States of America. You can also free download United States of America Map images HD Wallpapers for use desktop and laptop. Click Printable Large Map

In January, the average Temperature Map of the United States was 32.2°F, 2.1°F above the 20th-century average. This ranked among the warmest third of the 124-year period of record. The contiguous U.S. average maximum (daytime) temperature during January was 43.2°F, 2.7°F above the 20th-century average, ranking in the warmest third of the record.

Average Low-Temperature Map of January

The contiguous U.S. average minimum (nighttime) temperature during January was 21.2°F, 1.5°F above the 20th-century average, ranking near the median value. During January there were 4,654 records of warm daily high (2,140) and low (2,514) temperature records, which was about 20 percent less than the 5,941 records of cold daily high (3,190) and low (2,751) temperature records.

Average High-Temperature Map of January