National Bird of Pakistan

National Bird of Pakistan

The National bird of Pakistan is the Chukar partridge. They are commonly known as Chakor and it is a Eurasian upland game bird in the pheasant family Phasianidae. Pakistan’s national bird, Chukar partridge has a middle size like 32-35cm range. The Chukar partridge cannot fly long distances. It is mostly related and similar to its western equivalent; the round shape Red-legged Partridge is considered the national bird of Pakistan.

While you’ve got the answer to the question: “What is Pakistan National Bird?” definitely you’ve more questions about this upland game bird. Before answering those common questions, we’ll represent some basic facts of Chukar partridge.

Facts about Pakistan’s National Bird

  • Common Name: Chakor
  • Scientific name: Alectoris chukar
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Galliformes
  • Family: Phasianidae
  • Genus: Alectoris
  • Species: A. Chukar
  • Found in: Pakistan to Afghanistan
  • Habitat: prefer rocky, steep, and open hillsides
  • Average Length: 34–38 cm;
  • Average Weight: Male 538–765 g; female 367-538g
  • Average Lifespan: 2-5 years in wild
  • Average Speed: 20 km/h

Description About Chukar Partridge

  • Plump and compact: Imagine a bowling ball with wings, that’s roughly the Chukar’s build. They stand about 32-35 cm (13-14 in) tall with a round head and a sturdy body.
  • Colorfully marked: A symphony of browns, greys, and buffs adorn their body. The back is light brown, the breast grey, and the belly a creamy buff. Bold black and white stripes stand out on their flanks, a striking visual against the muted tones.
  • A touch of drama: Don’t miss the striking black band that runs from their forehead, across their eyes, and forms a necklace around their white throat, adding a touch of drama to their face.
  • Red accents: Their coral-red bill, legs, and feet add a pop of color, making them even more eye-catching.

Chukar Bird

The Chukar is used as the national symbol of Pakistan. In North Indian and Pakistani culture, as well as in Indian mythology, the chukar sometimes symbolizes intense, and often unrequited, love. It is said to be in love with the moon and to gaze at it constantly. Because of their pugnacious behavior during the breeding season they are kept in some areas as fighting birds. In short, Chukar partridge has a huge reason to be the National bird symbol of Pakistan.

✅Why Pakistani National Bird is Chakor?

Chukars are national birds of Pakistan and it is considered a sign of good luck in the native culture. The word Chakor in Pakistan means intense love. The word Chakor is often used in Pakistan and India to refer to someone loved.

✅Where is Chukar Found in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, it occurs in a wide range of rough, sloping, and dry regions rising to the higher foothill valleys of the internal Himalayan ranges and western Himalayas and plains, Balochistan, and dry hillsides of the Punjab and Sindh.


  1. “Facts about Chukar partridge” – all about birds
  2. “Details about Chukar partridge” –
  3. “Details about Chukar partridge” – Wikipedia


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