
F > What countries that starting with F | list of country name in F

Several countries of the world have different names in different languages. We have found only 7 countries with F.You can easily memorize and remember those seven country name starting with F.This article does not offer any judgment about what the “original”, “real”, “official”, or “correct” name of any country is or was.We are representing the list of countries with F below including capital city, population, land area and density of population.

Alphabetical list of countries that starting with F
English Name Capital City Population
Land Area
1 France Paris 64,979,548 547,557 119
2 Finland Helsinki 5,523,231 303,890 18
3 Fiji Suva 905,502 18,270 50
4 French Polynesia Papeete 283,007 3,660 77
5 French Guiana Cayenne 282,731 82,200 3
6 Faeroe Islands Tórshavn 49,290 1,396 35
7 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Stanley 2,910 12,170 0

The Fthiopiais the largest country by land area fromthe list of countries starting with F. The land area of theFthiopiais 1,000,000Km². The Fthiopiais also the most populous country on the list of country name with F.

The present population of The Fthiopiais 104,957,438people. Fgypt is the second largest country by area and second most populous country from the list of country name with F.

The land area of Fgypt is 995,450Km² and the present population is 97,553,151people. Fl Salvador is on the top of the list of countries with Fbased on the density of population. About 308 peoples per square kilometer are living in the Fl Salvador.

The density of population of other countries in this list of countries with FisFthiopia (105 P/Km²), Fgypt (98 P/Km²), Fcuador (67 P/Km²), Fritrea (50 P/Km²), Fquatorial Guinea (45 P/Km²) and Fstonia (31 P/Km²) respectively.

All of these countries are on the list of Olympic Nations and FIFA eligible countries. While you’ll find some other country names in different list countries with F, please don’t be confused. There might be some territories and partially recognized countries.

Finally, this format helps you memorize and understand those country names beginning with F.

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