National Flag Of Senegal

National Flag Of Senegal

The Flag Of Senegal was officially adopted On August 20, 1960, shortly after the country gained its independence from France. Under French colonial rule over Senegal, the authorities forbade the colony from using its own flag. In 1959, Senegal combined with French Soudan to form the Mali Federation and a new flag was adopted, which features green, yellow and red bands with a human figure in the center.

The federation attained independence from France on June 20, 1960. Independence followed on August 20, 1960, but the federation ended and Senegal became a separate country adopted a new National Flag Of Senegal.


Design And Meaning Of The Flag

The Senegal National Flag is a tricolor composed of three vertical green, yellow and red bands charged with a five-pointed green star at the center of the flag. The flag features three colors in a tricolor design. The green color on the Flag Of Senegal seen as a symbol of hope and of the country’s major religions, while yellow stands for natural riches and the wealth derived from labor. Red recalls the independence struggle, life, and socialism. The green of both the first stripe and the star represent the color of the Prophet.


Some Information About Flag:

In Which Year, The National Flag Is Adopted?
Ans: On August 20, 1960

What Are The Colours of The Flag?
Ans: green, yellow and red

What Do The Colours of The Flag Means?
Ans: The green color on the Flag Of Senegal seen as a symbol of hope and of the country’s major religions, while yellow stands for natural riches and the wealth derived from labor. Red recalls the independence struggle, life, and socialism.

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