
National Flag Of Tonga

The National Flag Of Tonga was officially adopted on 4 November 1875, After being officially enshrined into the nation’s constitution. It has been the Flag Of Tonga since that year. According to Article 47 of Tonga’s Constitution, the national flag can never be changed.


Design And Meaning Of The Flag

The Tonga National Flag is red in color with a white quarter at the upper left corner on the hoist-side of the flag. The white quarter bears a red cross placed at the center. Christianity is the predominant religion in Tonga and therefore, the colors and symbols featured on the National Flag Of Tonga have religious symbolism.

The cross on the flag symbolizes the Christian faith of Tonga´s inhabitants and red color stands for Jesus Christ´s blood. The white color band is a symbol of purity.


Origin Of The Flag

When the Western concept of flags began to take hold in the Pacific region in the late 18th century, many countries adopted red and white as their principal flag colors. The first Tonga National Flag established in the 1840s under the reign of King George Tupou I. The flag design features a background of white with a red or blue cross in each corner and the initials A and M in the center, respectively in red and blue, to represent the king. However, this flag was only used briefly. The king soon sought the help of British missionary Shirley Waldemar Baker to help design a new National Flag Of Tonga. The king wanted a flag that would represent Christianity, and the new flag was adopted as the present flag.


Some Information About Flag:

In Which Year, The National Flag Was Adopted?
Ans: 4 November 1875

What Are The Colours of The Flag?
Ans: Red And White

What Do The Colours of The Flag Means?
Ans: The white color band is a symbol of purity.

In The Tonga Flag, The Cross Stand For?
Ans: Christian faith of Tonga´s inhabitants

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