
Average Low Temperature Map of the US In April

Average Temperatures for the month of April is 63.7°F, 0.2°F above the 20th-century average. Above-average maximum temperatures were observed from the Pacific Northwest to the Southwest and along the Gulf Coast. The average minimum (nighttime) temperature during April was 38.1°F, 0.5°F below the 20th-century average.

Average April Temperatures for US Cities

High °F Low °F City High °C Low °C
73 52 Atlanta, Georgia 23 11
80 59 Austin, Texas 27 15
65 43 Baltimore, Maryland 18 6
74 51 Birmingham, Alabama 24 10
56 41 Boston, Massachusetts 13 5
55 37 Buffalo, New York 13 3
72 47 Charlotte, North Carolina 22 8
59 39 Chicago, Illinois 15 4
66 42 Cincinnati, Ohio 19 6
59 40 Cleveland, Ohio 15 5
64 43 Columbus, Ohio 18 6
77 56 Dallas, Texas 25 13
61 34 Denver, Colorado 16 1
59 39 Detroit, Michigan 15 4
61 38 Hartford, Connecticut 16 4
80 59 Houston, Texas 26 15
63 43 Indianapolis, Indiana 17 6
79 55 Jacksonville, Florida 26 13
67 47 Kansas City, Missouri 19 8
78 56 Las Vegas, Nevada 26 13
73 54 Los Angeles, California 23 12
69 47 Louisville, Kentucky 20 9
73 53 Memphis, Tennessee 23 12
83 68 Miami, Florida 28 20
54 37 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 12 3
58 37 Minneapolis, Minnesota 14 3
71 48 Nashville, Tennessee 21 9
78 60 New Orleans, Louisiana 26 16
61 45 New York, New York 16 7
72 50 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 22 10
83 60 Orlando, Florida 28 16
64 44 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 18 7
86 60 Phoenix, Arizona 30 16
62 40 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 17 5
62 43 Portland, Oregon 16 6
59 40 Providence, Rhode Island 15 4
72 48 Raleigh, North Carolina 22 9
70 46 Richmond, Virginia 21 8
78 50 Riverside, California 25 10
56 37 Rochester, New York 13 3
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