Average Low Temperature Map of the US In September

Average Low Temperature Map of the US In September

Average Low Temperature Map of the US In September is the Map of United States of America. You can also free download United States of America Map images HD Wallpapers for use desktop and laptop. Click Printable Large Map

For September, the Average Low-Temperature Map of the US In September is 66.0°F, 1.1°F. It was above the 20th century average, ranking in the warmest one-third of the 126-year record. Temperatures this month are especially comfortable in cities such as New York and Philadelphia where the days are usually around 75 °F (24 °C) and the nights average about 60 °F (16 °C).

Average September Temperatures for US Cities

High °F Low °F City High °C Low °C
82 65 Atlanta, Georgia 28 18
91 69 Austin, Texas 33 21
78 58 Baltimore, Maryland 26 14
85 64 Birmingham, Alabama 30 18
72 57 Boston, Massachusetts 22 14
71 53 Buffalo, New York 22 12
81 60 Charlotte, North Carolina 27 16
75 54 Chicago, Illinois 24 12
79 55 Cincinnati, Ohio 26 13
74 56 Cleveland, Ohio 23 13
77 57 Columbus, Ohio 25 14
89 69 Dallas, Texas 32 21
77 48 Denver, Colorado 25 9
74 55 Detroit, Michigan 23 13
75 53 Hartford, Connecticut 24 12
90 70 Houston, Texas 32 21
78 56 Indianapolis, Indiana 25 13