
National animal of Myanmar

Tiger or the Bengal tiger is the official National animal of Myanmar. Tiger was entitled as the “official Myanmar’s National animal”. Panthera tigris Tigris is the scientific name of the Royal Bengal Tiger. It is known as Bengal Tiger. Myanmar’s National animal, The Bengal tigers, which are found in India, Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan, Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Vietnam, Russia and North Korea. They are found in three individual areas in Myanmar such as Htamanthi Wildlife Sanctuary (HMTWS), Hukaung Valley Wildlife Sanctuary (HKVWS) and Tenasserim Range. The Government of Myanmar has designated the Tiger as the official National animal of Myanmar.

National animal of Myanmar facts

Myanmar’s National animal, The Tiger or Bengal Tiger have short, thick necks, broad shoulders, and massive forelimbs, which is ideal for grappling with prey while holding on with long retractable claws and wide forepaws. The tongue is covered with solid papillae, to scratch flesh off the bones of prey. The morphology of the Bengal tiger is attractive and impressive. It has thick legs, strong teeth and jaws, coat with the characteristic coloration pattern. Tigers have idiosyncratic stripes those are helping to camouflage them at the time when they hunting prey. The fur color may varied such as, few tigers have orange fur with black stripes; rest are black with tan stripes, white with tan stripes. Occasionally it may all white (albino), according to the San Diego Zoo. There are no Bengal tigers with the equivalent way of dark stripes but they make up an exclusively identifiable pattern like as fingerprints in humans. Bengal tigers have the longest canines of any living large cat; from 7.5 to 10 cm in length.  The dental formula of the Bengal Tiger is 3/3, 1/1, 3/2, 1/1. The skull is robust, short, and broad with wide zygomatic arches; nasal bones are high, prophetic little advance than the maxillary, where the canines fit.

National animal of Myanmar, The Tiger or Bengal Tiger has no definite mating and birth seasons but it is found that the peak sexual activity starts from November which remains up to February. Most young are born in December and April. Young has also been found in March, May, October and November. The female has to face the pregnancy for around 110 days, giving birth to 2-4 cubs at a time. The mother feeds them milk for about 2 months and then the Bengal tiger cubs are introduced to meat. The Bengal tigers are performs individually the most of their activities alone, except breeding. Regarding this, the social interfaces happen during courtship, copulation, and parental care. The basic social unit is that of the mother with her cubs. At an age between 5 and six months, the cubs start learning how to hunt, and at the age of 2 or 3 years, they begin their solitary life.



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