
National Animal of Sweden

Moose is the official National animal of Sweden. Alces alces is the scientific name of the Moose.  It is also known as Elk, which is dwelling in temperate to subarctic climates and in boreal forests and temperate broadleaf, also in mixed forests of the Northern Hemisphere.

The National animal of Sweden, the moose has found in the range includes almost all of Canada, most of Alaska, the upper Rocky Mountains, northern Minnesota, northern New England and upstate New York, northern Wisconsin, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and Isle Royale in Lake Superior. It is also found throughout Europe and Russia. The Moose have been designated as the national animal of Sweden.

Sweden National Animal Facts

Moose Description

Sweden national animal, Moose is one of the largest deer. Their height can be up to 7 feet at the shoulders while weighs up to 1800 pounds. They have very limited natural predators. Their natural predators include wolves and bears, who primarily target the calves. Moose are typically herbivores. A moose will consume up to 70.5 pounds of food per day. Due to their height and difficulty to lower their head to the ground, the Moose prefer to browse higher grasses and shrubs.

They eat shrubs and pinecones in winter, but they also scratch snow with their large hooves to clear areas for browsing on mosses and lichens. Their food is more plenteous in the northern regions of North America, Europe, and Asia in summer. The moose are often seen in lakes, rivers, or wetlands, feeding on aquatic plants both at and below the surface at the time when the ice melts. Their antlers can be weighing up to 70 pounds, and 6 feet across. Male moose have antlers that grown from early spring to late autumn and that will drop off before winter. They have antlers by next year, which are bigger than the past antlers. The antlers are the fastest-growing organ in moose. It is the best identification of the Moose.

National animal of Sweden, Moose are habitually unreceptive towards the human, while they can be more antagonistic during the season when they are mating (September through October). Moose are polygynous. Both the males and females attract each other by vocalizations and scent marking on trees. Moose are applying two different types of breeding strategies that exhibit in the matting system: The taiga moose form fleeting pair bonds and tundra moose in Alaska form harems. The most dominant male moose attempts to herd a group of females together, which he can defend from all other males. The female gives birth to one calf on average, although twins are common after a gestation period of 231 days.

Sweden’s national animal, the Moose are very much agile due to their dimension. They can run at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour that have been gifted by the creator. Moose also can swim up to 10 miles without break. Moose has long legs. They help it run through snow and paddle through deep water. The moose are able to close their nostril when their head is submerged in water. Generally, moose live 10 to 15 years in the wild. Moose are measured totally mature at 4 to 5 years of age.

✅Swedish National Animal

The moose (or elk), Alces alces, is an iconic animal for Sweden – a symbol of the majesty and dignity of Sweden’s natural areas. The moose holds a particular fascination for overseas visitors.

✅What Animals are Sweden known for?


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