
State Bird Of New Hampshire

Purple Finch Is The Official State Bird Of New Hampshire. The purple finch (Carpodacus purpureus) was Adopted as the official New Hampshire State Bird in 1957. The selection of the purple finch as a National Bird Of New Hampshire was supported by the Audubon Society of New Hampshire, the New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs, and the State Federation of Women’s Clubs.

Among the small forest birds like chickadees, and nuthatches, Purple Finches are large and chunky. Their powerful, conical beaks are larger than many sparrows. The tail seems short and is clearly notched at the tip. The Color of Male Purple Finches is a delicate pink-red on the head and breast, mixing with brown on the back and cloudy white on the belly. New Hampshire State Bird Female Purple Finches have no red.

National Bird Of New Hampshire is coarsely streaked below, with strong facial markings including a whitish eyestripe and a dark line down the side of the throat. State Bird Of New Hampshire Purple Finches breeds mainly in coniferous forests or mixed deciduous and coniferous woods. During winter you can find State Bird Of New Hampshire Purple Finch in a wider variety of habitats, including shrublands, old fields, forest edges, and backyards. New Hampshire State Bird Purple finches typically forage high in trees and nest at heights of up to 60 feet (18 m). Their diet also includes buds, nectar (especially honeysuckle), berries (blackberries, juniper berries), and the seeds of fruit including crabapples, cherries, and apricots.



Length: 5.5 inches

Large, conical bill

Short, forked tail

Distinctive call note was often given in flight

Purplish-red head, breast, back, and rump

Streaked back

White undertail coverts

Brown wings and tail

Immature male resembles female

Brown crown and cheek patch contrasting with pale supercilium and malar streak

Heavily streaked underparts

Brown upperparts

Interesting Facts About Purple Finch

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