
State Bird Of South Carolina

Carolina Wren Is The Official State Bird Of South Carolina. South Carolina Adopted the Carolina wren as the official South Carolina State Bird in 1948. A small brown bird, but one of the biggest of the wren family, the Carolina wren is a popular songbird. It is brown above, orangeish-brown below, faintly striped on the sides, with a white throat. The head has a white “brow” and its tail is usually cocked, pointing straight up.

The National Bird Of South Carolina Carolina wren is a relentless singer; its many calls include a loud “tea kettle, tea kettle, tea kettle” song, an alarm call, and a very harsh scolding call made to drive away intruders. The male and female sing different parts that are interwoven into one call so it sounds like a single bird singing. Males sing more loudly, and songs will vary by geographic region.

In warmer seasons the State Bird Of South Carolina Carolina wren primarily eats insects and spiders, but it will also eat small lizards or tree frogs. In winter, they also eat seeds, berries, and small fruit. Nests are typically a bulky dome with a small entrance at the top although they will nest in holes in fence posts and nooks in barns, bridges, and houses at heights of 10 feet (3m) or less. The bird’s modest beauty and beautiful songs are important factors in its popularity.



Forages in leaf litter or tree trunks in monogamous pairs.



Fairly dense shrubby or brushy areas in forests, swamps, and residential areas.

Range: The eastern half of the U.S.; the extreme south of Ontario, Canada; the extreme northeast of Mexico; and the Yucatan Peninsula.

Migration: Non-migratory

Conservation Status: Least Concern (LC)



Nesting Period: 2–3 times a year

Size of Clutch: 4–6 eggs

Incubation Period: 12–16 days

Egg Description: Oval, gray-white with reddish-brown speckles

Egg Size: 0.72–0.78 in (18.2–19.8 mm)

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