
State Bird Of Texas

Mockingbird Is The Official State Bird Of Texas. Texas adopted a mockingbird as the official state bird in 1927 (Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8, 40th Legislature). The lawmakers cited the resilience of the bird stating that it remained in the state during the extreme winters and summers, and is protective of its territory like any true Texan. The Texas State Bird is so famous that Richard Milburn composed the song “Listen to the Mockingbird” in 1855. The northern mockingbird is a medium-sized bird with long legs and tail and short, rounded wings.

State Bird Of Texas has a light gray back and a whitish underside. Its wings and tail are darker grays with white patches. Many states chose Mockingbird for its beauty, its versatile song, and its prevalence throughout the South, especially around farms. The song is an essential part of the bird’s mating process. Males use their songs both to attract mates and to mark their territory. They sing often, both day and night. The National Bird Of Texas mockingbird feeds on insects and seasonal fruit including blackberries, grapes, holly, prickly pears, pokeberries, and even poison ivy. The bird can compose or mimic over 200 melodies from other birds.

The Mockingbird is known to sing overnight especially during the bright springtime moonlight. Unmated birds sing more than the mated to attract potential mates. The melody of the Texas State Bird is a medley of sounds from other birds repeated several times. It imitates songs, calls, pianos, squeaky gates, barking dogs, sirens, and any other source of the sound; then repeats each sound twice or thrice in quick succession to create a melody. The State Bird Of Texas mockingbirds is fiercely territorial and protective. They swoop down on cats, dogs or other predators that venture too close to their nest or territory.

National Bird Of Texas mockingbirds is a common sight in residential areas, farmlands, orchards, parks, open grassy areas with thickets, and even brushy deserts. They prefer open areas and forest edges. The birds also inhabit much of Mexico from eastern Oaxaca to Veracruz. Most of the birds spend much of the life span within their breeding range, but the northern population has been observed to move south during the winter.



Nesting Period: 12–13 days

Size of Clutch: 2–6 eggs

Incubation Period: 12–13 days

Egg Description: Light blue or greenish and speckled

Egg Size: 1.0 in (25 mm)

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