Honeybee Is The Official State Insect of Utah. Utah adopted the honeybee as an official state insect in 1983 due to the lobbying efforts of a fifth-grade class. The Utah State Insect honey bee is significant in Utah history. Utah was first called by its Mormon settlers “The Provisional State of Deseret,” a name derived from the Book of Mormon word meaning honey bee. When Utah became a territory in 1850, the Mormons were unsuccessful in their attempt to have the name “Deseret” retained. State Insect of Utah Honey bees are not native to the Americas but was brought to the Americas by European settlers during the 1600s. The European Honey Bee is the type of honey bee, which is the one that is now common in Utah. The size of honeybees depends on the size of their colonies. Smaller colonies have just one large queen and tiny other bees In the summer ends, bigger honeybees are produced due to larger colonies.
Characteristics of the Utah Honeybee
State Insect Honey bees are social insects, with a marked division of labor between the various types of bees in the colony. A colony of honey bees includes a queen, drones, and workers.
The Queen:
The queen Honey bees are the only sexually developed female in the hive. She is the largest bee in the colony. A two-day-old larva is selected by the workers to be reared as the queen. She will emerge from her cell 11 days later to mate in flight with approximately 18 drones (male) bees. During this mating, she receives several million sperm cells, which last her entire life span of nearly two years. The Utah State Insect queen Honey bees start to lay eggs about 10 days after mating. A productive queen Honey bees can lay 3,000 eggs in a single day.
The Drones:
Drones are stout male bees that have no stingers. State Insect of Utah Drones Honey bees does not collect food or pollen from flowers. Their sole purpose is to mate with the queen. drones bees are often kicked out of the hive If the colony is short on food.
The Workers:
The worker is the smallest bees in the colony, are sexually undeveloped females. A colony can have 50,000 to 60,000 workers. The life span of a worker bee varies according to the time of year. females’s Honey bees life expectancy is approximately 28 to 35 days.