The World Time Zone Map | Large Printable Colorful and with Time Zone Name

The World Time Zone Map | Large Printable Colorful and with Time Zone Name

Time in United Kingdom
Current Local time in United Kingdom right now

Wednesday 24th of April 2024 02 : 22 : 44 pm

Clock With Seconds & United Kingdom Time Zones

What time is it? United Kingdom

Time : Wednesday 24th of April 2024 02 : 22 : 44 pm

Standard time zone offset : -1 UTC

Sunrise time : 06:50

Sunset time : 20:18

Yesterday time : Tuesday 23rd April (2024-04-23)

Today time : Wednesday 24th April (2024-04-24)

Tomorrow time : Thursday 25th April (2024-04-25)

The current week number 17 There are 52 weeks in a year.. Wednesday April 2024

Wednesday 24th of April 2024 02:22:44pm Current week starts from 2024-04-22 to 2024-04-28

The world is divided into 24 time zones, each of which is approximately 15 degrees longitude wide. Time zones are based on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) standard, which is the primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. UTC is based on the mean solar time at the Greenwich Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England.

The 24 time zones are named after their offset from UTC, which is expressed as a positive or negative number of hours. For example, the time zone in New York City is UTC-5, which means that it is five hours behind UTC. The time zone in Tokyo is UTC+9, which means that it is nine hours ahead of UTC.

World Time Zone

Here is a table of the 24 time zones and their offsets from UTC:

Time Zone Offset from UTC
UTC-12 -12 hours
UTC-11 -11 hours
UTC-10 -10 hours
UTC-9 -9 hours
UTC-8 -8 hours
UTC-7 -7 hours
UTC-6 -6 hours
UTC-5 -5 hours
UTC-4 -4 hours
UTC-3:30 -3.5 hours
UTC-3 -3 hours
UTC-2 -2 hours
UTC-1 -1 hour
UTC 0 hours
UTC+1 +1 hour
UTC+2 +2 hours
UTC+3 +3 hours
UTC+3:30 +3.5 hours
UTC+4 +4 hours
UTC+4:30 +4.5 hours
UTC+5 +5 hours
UTC+5:30 +5.5 hours
UTC+6 +6 hours
UTC+7 +7 hours
UTC+8 +8 hours
UTC+9 +9 hours
UTC+9:30 +9.5 hours
UTC+10 +10 hours
UTC+11 +11 hours
UTC+12 +12 hours

Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is widely used in Europe, North America, and some parts of Africa, Australia, and South America. It helps to make the daylight duration longer in summer by setting the clock 1 hour forward in the spring (start of DST period) and setting them 1 hour backward in autumn when the DST period is over.