DokChampais the national flower of Laos. PlumeriaRubrais the scientific name of DokChampa. The common of Laosn national flowerDokChampahas many common names like as Red Poucipan, Red Jasmine, Red Frangipani, Common Fragipani, Tample tree or Plumeria. It is also known as May flower. It has some native name also, such as, in Cook Island it is known as Tipani, in India it’s called Champa or Chaaphaa, Champige etc.
In Cambodia it is named as ChanpeiKraham or ChampeiSlukSruech, in Sri Lanka it is known as Araliya in Sinhalese. In Nicaragua it called, “Sacuanjoche” which derives from the Uto-Aztec language (Nahuatl language) ‘Xacuan’ &Xochilt. Xocuan mean Sacuan that is beautiful yellow petals and Xochilt means Joche that is flower. It belongs in the genus of plumeria plants. It spray high fragrant in the evening to overnight.
Peoples are easily attracts through them. The national flower Frangipani is also a part of various traditions and culture of Laos. Considering all these uses of this white-yellow beauty, perfume and create a symbol of love and that has considered the DokChampaorPlumariaRubra as the National Flower of Laos.
Facts about Laos’s National Flower (DokChampa)
- Common Name: DokChampa, Frangipani, Red Poucipan, Red Jasmine, Red Frangipani,
Common Frangipani, Tample tree or Plumeria - Genus: Plumeria
- Species: rubra
- Color: white, pink, yellow, and red
- Time of blooming: Late summer to early autumn
- Number of petals: 5
- Purpose: Ornamental tree
- Symbolism: Joy in life and sincerity
DokChampa or,the national flower of Laos is a deciduas plant species belonging to the genus of Plumeria. It is basically comes from Central America, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela. It has been extensively cultivated in the tropical and subtropical climates throughout the world. It is the ultimate choice for gardening. It also used to plant in Temples and Cemeteries.
The DokChampaor Plumeriarubra grows as a spreading shrub or small tree. It can be 2–8 m (5–25 ft) both the height and width. It has a thick juicy stalk and sausage-like blunted twigs covered with a thin grey bark. The leaves of the DokChampa are large in size and it can reach 25 cm to 50cm long with green color. Leaf grows one by one that clustered up to the branch end. The leaves are fallen in winter.
The flowers of DokChampa are flourishing at the end of the branches. The flowers stay with the tree all over the summer. Being plentiful and well known, the flowers are powerfully fragrant, and have five petals. Mostly it has shade in color like white-yellow or white-pink in the petal but yellow color in the center of the flower.
The DokChampa flower come in gorgeous rose-pink color brushed with bronze. DokChampa flowers are extremely scented during nights and are frequently used in bouquets. DokChampa flowers have wonderful tropical essence. The flower DokChampais looks like propeller. The clusters of DokChampa flowers at the end of terminal branches open over few weeks and every day the ground is covered with bright DokChampa flowers which are gathered for making the concrete.
There are some myths about DokChampa or PlumeriaRubra flower such as:As per Vietnamese myth, the tree of white flower with strong flower is living palace of ghost. In China and Vietnam, the white color is connected with death and funerals.As per Hindu culture, especially in India, flower is treated as the symbol of loyalty. The woman of Hindu family wore a flower on their hair to showing the loyalty towards their husbands in the days of wedding.
In Mexico, the people of Aztecs believed that if they can use a decoction of DokChampa flowers and other plant extracts mixed with some internal organ of rapacious animals as a as a dominant concoction against fear, lethargy and faintheartedness.
To sum up, DokChampa is the national flower of Laos. The relation of this flower to the tradition of Laos is what makes the DokChampathe national flower of Laos.