Blue water Lily is the national flower of Sri Lanka. Its scientific name is NymphaeaStellata(now it is renamed as N. Nouchali). It belongs to Nymphaeaceae family, which consists of 70 species that is divided with 8 genera. Its genus of Nymphaea. The water lily is an aquatic type flower. Locally it is known as Nil Manel(Shinhala), Kamalam, AlliTamarei(Tamil). Sri Lankans authority selected the Blue water lily as the National flowers of Sri Lanka in 1986.
The water lily is also the State flower of Andhra and national flower of Bangladesh.The water lily is found in all the part of Sri Lankan Island. Its specialty is when it blooms no dirt take place on it or on its leaves. The Lankans people honor it as the symbol of purity of soul. Blue water Lily (Nil Manel in Shinhala), the national flowersymbol of Sri Lanka, symbolizes purity and unity.
Facts about National Flower of Sri Lanka (Blue water lily/‘Nil Manel’)
- Common Name: Blue water lily or Nil Manel or Kamalam or AlliTamarei
- Genus: Nymphaea
- Species: Stellata(now it is renamed as ‘Nouchali’)
- Found in: All over Sri Lankan Island
- Color: Blue, White, Pink, Red, and yellow
- Number of petals: 8
- Number of Sepals: 4 – 12
- Time of blooming: from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Period of blooming: All around the year, mostly in rainy season
- Purpose: Decoration, Food and herbal value
- Symbolism: Purity of soul and unity
Blue water lily is the national flower symbol of the Sri Lankan people. They believe that the Blue water lily is connected with Lord Buddha, which purifies their soul, united them all as the petals of water lily and keeps them in discipline. The water lily grows in Shallow water. They are rooted in the soil under water of natural big ponds lakes canals and crop field, which are covered by water. The leaves of water lily about are 12 to 30 cm diameter and its color is dark green.
It blooms round the year mostly in rainy season. The stalk of both the flowers and leaves are as long as the level of water where they grow. The water lily and its leaves float on the water surface. The people of some part of Sri Lanka use the stalk of the blue water lily in their food menu. It is very nutritiousfor health. The leaves of blue water lily provide shade to the aquatic creature for the safety from sun. The Blue Water Lily provides food for wildlife and fish.
To sum up, Blue water lily is the national flower of Sri Lanka. It fabulously represents the people’s unity and also purity of soul.