Argentina has a mainland surface area of almost 2.8 million square kilometers, making it the world’s eighth largest country and Latin America’s second largest. Argentina is divided into seven geographical regions with diverse natural beauty.
One of the outstanding geographical features of Argentina is the mountains. These mountains are discussed below.
1. Aconcagua:- Aconcagua is the highest mountain located outside of Asia, and the highest peak in both the Southern and Western Hemispheres. The 22,638-foot mountain is located in the Andes Mountain Range in the Mendoza Province.
2. Ojos del Salado:– It is the world’s highest active volcano at an elevation of 22,615 feet above the sea level. It is also the highest mountain in Chile and the second highest in Argentina.
3. Monte Pissis:- Other famously high mountains in Argentina include Cerro Bonete, Llullaillaco, Mercedario, Incahuasi, Tupungato, Reclus, and Antofalla.