
What is the State Animal of Connecticut?

The Sperm whale is the State Animal of Connecticut. It is also known as Cachalot. The Sperm whale was titled as Connecticut’s official state animal in 1975. Physeter macrocephalus is the scientific name of The Sperm whale, which is found Sub-arctic and sub-antarctic waters throughout the world. The law entitling the sperm whale as the official Connecticut state animal is found in the General Statutes of Connecticut, Title 3, Chapter 33, Section 3-109a.

The State Animal of Connecticut facts—

The origin of the name ‘Sperm whale’ comes from the spermaceti organ which too is found in its head. State Animal of Connecticut, The Sperm whale has a block-shaped head which can be 1/3 of the overall size and length. It is considered to be the largest living mammal alive. They reach maturity between the ages of 10 – 15 and a completely matured the sperm whale can grow up to 55 ft.

They weigh as much as 45tons. They have a fairly thick and round shaped body. It has a block-shaped head which can be 1/3 of the overall size and length. The head of the whale contains an organ known as the spermaceti organ, hence its name, which was once believed to produce sperm but has since been proven to serve another unknown use. It is believed by some researchers that the spermaceti organ assists the whale with resilience by permit the whale to adjust the fluid balance.

Connecticut’s state animal, the sperm whales remain in the arctic or sub-arctic waters all year round. They are solitary and are extremely vocal. They use underwater sounds to converse with other whales during the feeding time, roaming and when searching for a mating partner. Throughout reproduction, it is typical to find numerous males baying to one or two females in an effort to be the selected mating partner. A healthy sperm whale may live for up to 70 years.


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