
What Is The State Tree of Hawaii?

Candlenut is the State Tree of Hawaii. Aleurites moluccanus is the scientific name of Candlenut and it is commonly known as Kukui nut in Hawaii. It is also called candleberry, Indian walnut, kemiri, varnish tree, nuez de la India, buah keras, or kukui nut tree, and Kekuna tree. In India it has lot of local names, such as; • Hindi: Jangli akhrot, Akhrot • Marathi: Ramakrot, Akhod, Japhala, Ranakot • Tamil: Nattu akrottu, Woodooga • Malayalam: Akrottu, Akshotam, Karankolam, Vadam • Telugu: Uduga, Natu akrotu • Kannada: Akroda, Natakrodu, Arkod, Naadu aakrotu • Oriya: Akshota • Sanskrit: Akharota, Akhota, Akshota, Asphotaka, Gudashaya. Aleurites is the genus of the Candlenut and A. moluccanus is its species. The Hawaii’s State tree Candlenut is belongs from the family of Aquifoliaceae, which is mostly native to Malaysia, Polynesia, Malay Peninsula, Philippines and South Seas Islands; now widely distributed in tropics. Naturalized or cultivated in Malagasy, Sri Lanka, southern India, Bangladesh, Brazil, West Indies, and Gulf Coast of United States.

When a state bodies select a symbol for the state it should be represent extra ordinary design, quality, availability, expression, and usefulness, cultural, traditional and religious back ground, which go back thousands of years or its popularities. It is well-known tree all over the state Hawaii for its distinctive beauty. On the basis of the facts mentioned above on May 1, 1959, the Candlenut (Aleurites moluccanus) that frequently referred to as the Christmas or evergreen holly, and was adopted as the official State Tree of Hawaii

The Facts of the State Tree of Hawaii [Candlenut]

The Hawaii’s State tree Candlenut thrive in moist tropical regions, up to 1,200 m elevation. Ranging from subtropical dry to wet through tropical very dry to wet forest life zones, Aleurites moluccana is reported to endure annual precipitation of 6.4 to 42.9 dm, annual temperature of 18.7 to 27.4°C and pH of 5.0 to 8.0. Candlenut tree grows well in the tropical climate with ample rainfall also in dry climate. The soil should be mildly acidic, alkaline and neutrally riches. It grows up to a height of in between 15–25 m with ample dispersal or pendulous branches.

The roasted candlenut has been riches in potassium. It restrains little amount of Zinc, copper and selenium. It also contains fat and riches in protein which as amino acids is good for health. Candlenut can overcome digestive problems. It is a good medicine for Dysentery and Diarrhea. It is used for many aches such as headaches, toothaches and fever. The protein content in the candlenut can be used for the growth of tissues in the body. The presence of fat content in the candlenut is unsaturated fats which help to reduce heart diseases and strokes. The leaves of the candlenut tree act as anti bacterial and painkiller.

To sum up, candlenut tree is the people’s favorite State Tree of Hawaii that Enlightenment, protection, and peace, which outstandingly represents and glorifies the spirit of Hawaii culture.







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