
Who Are The National Heroes of Egypt?

All the People of Egypt who Contribute For Their Nation’s identity And who Sacrificed their Self for the Country and its People are National heroes And they Became the National Heroes of Egypt. Some of the Renowned National heroes of Egypt are Given Below:
1. Fuad I (Ahmed Fuad Pasha)- He Was the first king of Modern Egypt and Son of the khedive Ismail Pasha.
2. Gamal Abdel Nasser- He was the President of Egypt from 1954 until his death in 1970.
3. Colonel Ahmed Orabi- He Was An Egyptian army general And He Revolted Against the khedive and European domination of Egypt in 1879.
4. Mustafa Kamel- He was a son of an army officer. Trained as a lawyer at the French law school in Cairo and the Law Faculty at the University of Toulouse in France.
5. Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat- Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat also Nicknamed ‘The war and the peace man’ Succeeded Gamal Abdel Nasser as the president of Egypt in 1970 and Remained in office until he was Assassinated in 1981.

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