State Flower Of North Carolina

State Flower Of North Carolina

“Dogwood” Flower Is The Official State Flower Of North Carolina. The blossom of the dogwood tree (Cornus Florida) was Adopted as the official North Carolina State Flower in 1941. The flowering dogwood, also known as Cornus Florida is a flowering plant which belongs to the family Cornaceae. The flowering dogwood is the most common tree in the state which is found in all parts of North Carolina from the coast to the top of the mountains. It is a small deciduous tree which can attain a maximum height of about 33 ft and a trunk diameter of approximately 1ft. The State Flower Of North Carolina Tree Cornus florida has some simple and ovate leaves. Its leaves are over 1.6 inches wide and about 2.4 inches long. These leaves turn red-brown during fall. The tree produces about twenty small and inconspicuous flowers which have four yellowish-green bracts. The North Carolina State Flower head is surrounded by four huge white, red or pink petals. The tree flowers in early May and late April. 


Characteristics of the Dogwood:-

Leaf: The Leaf of Dogwood Is Opposite, simple, arcuately veined, 3 to 6 inches long, oval in shape with an entire margin.

Fruit: A shiny, oval red drupe, 1/4 to 1/2 inch long, in clusters of 3 to 4. Maturing from September to October.

Twig: The North Carolina State Flower Tree Twig is Slender, green or purple, later turning gray, often with a glaucous bloom. The terminal flower buds are clover-shaped, vegetative buds resemble a cat claw.

Bark: The Bark of Tree is gray when young, turning very scaly to blocky.

Form: The Flowering dogwood is a small tree with a short trunk that branches low, producing a flat-topped crown. Branches are opposite and assume a “candelabra” appearance.


Facts About Dogwood

  • Dogwoods have single or multiple trunks, and mature trees usually take on a flat-topped appearance.
  • Dogwood leaves are simple, 3-5 in. in length, and opposite.
  • The interesting Dogwood bark texture and branches help create an excellent winter silhouette.
  • The Oil extracted from the fruit of the blood-twig Dogwood is used in France for making soap, and the wood of several species is used in furniture.
  • Dogwood cures violent toothache, neuralgia, and whooping-cough.
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