State Flower Of South Dakota
American Pasque Is The Official State Flower Of South Dakota. South Dakota Adopted the American pasque (Pulsatilla hirsutissima) as the official South Dakota State Flower in 1903. The American Pasque flower was not the only candidate for the state flower. Other suggestions included the wild rose and various types of cactus blooms. Though many citizens believed that these choices did not accurately represent the spirit of the state. This flower was the eventual winner and was adopted as the state flower by law in 1903.
A small change was made to the wording of the state legislature’s declaration in 1919, adding in the proper Latin name of this new State Flower Of South Dakota. The American Pasque grows wild throughout the state of South Dakota. The National Flower Of South Dakota Pasque flower is a solitary bell-shaped flower, lavender-colored, and plumed seed heads, belonging to the buttercup family. Pasque flower is found distributed from the northwestern U.S. to northern Alaska. The State Flower Pasque flower is called by many names like Prairie smoke, Goslinweed, and Mayflower.
The State Flower Of South Dakota pasque plant bears a hairy peduncle above the whorled leaves with a single large flower at its apex. This peduncle continues to elongate after the flower sheds its petals. Each American Pasque flower is approximately 3 inches in open condition, consisting of 5-8 petal-like sepals, and a ring of numerous yellow stamens. The petal color ranges from dark lavender to almost white. There are no petals. The sepals of pasque flowers are pale purple to deep purple. The blooming period of pasque flower is from early to mid-spring and lasts for 2 weeks. The South Dakota State Flower pasque flowers are short-lived and after shedding their sepals, the styles of the flowers become plumose and elongated. At the base of each mature style, there is a flattened achene.
Facts About Pasque Flower
- The State Flower Of South Dakota Pasque flower plant consists of a few basal leaves and a single flowering stalk with a whorl of 3 leaves.
- The National Flower Of South Dakota flower blooms before leaves appear on the plant; usually between late-March to early-April but only lasts around 2 weeks.
- Aside from becoming South Dakota’s state flower in 1903, it is also the provincial flower of our neighbors to the north in Manitoba, Canada.