National animal of Kazakhstan

Golden Eagle is the national animal of Kazakhstan, which scientifically known as Aquila chrysaetos, which is also called European golden eagle. Kazakhstan’s national animal Golden Eagle is one of the leading species among the Eagles. This subspecies is found almost throughout Europe including the British Isles (mainly in scotland), most part of Scandinavia, southern and northern part of FranceItaly and Austria. It is also found in Eastern Europe, which ranges from Estonia to RomaniaGreeceSerbia and Bulgaria in southeastern Europe. It is also distributed through European Russia and a similar longitude into western Kazakhstan and northern Iran. Golden Eagle became the national animal of Kazakhstan. It is also the national animal of Austria and coat of arms of Mexico.

National animal of Kazakhstan Facts

  • Common name: Golden eagle
  • Scientific name: Aquila chrysaetos
  • Habitat: Golden eagles prefer mountainous, habitually treeless, habitats, although they require large trees or rock faces for nesting.
  • Diet: Variety of mammals such as rabbits, marmots, mice, hares, the odd wounded or dead lamb or other similarly motionless larger prey, as well as other sporadic animals and carrion (dead animal carcass). They also eat foxes and young deer.
  • Song and Calls: A series of high pitched whistling or piping notes, rather weak for such a powerful bird.
  • Weight: Males weigh from 2.8 to 4.6 kg with an average 3.69 kg while females weigh from 3.8 to 6.7, with an average of 5.17 kg.
  • Length:  Male wing length is from 56.5 to 67 cm with an average 62 cm while female wing length is from 61.5 to 71.2 cm with an average 67 cm.
  • Wingspan: The male wingspan of 1.89 to 2.15 m with an average of 2.02 m, while the female’s usual wingspan range is 2.12 to 2.2 m, with an average of 2.16 m.
  • Average lifespan: around 20 years.
  • Incubation period: 34-36 days.

The national animal of Kazakhstan, Golden Eagles is one of the most magnificent birds of prey in Europe. The plumage colors of Golden eagles are ranging from black-brown to dark brown, with a striking golden-buff crown and nape, which give the bird its name. Their upper wings have an uneven lighter area. Also they have a white-banded tail and a white scrap at the carpal joint, that gradually fade away with every molt in expectation of full mature plumage is reached in the 5th year. Golden eagles have a quadrangle shaped tail and legs with fully feather covered. Golden eagles’ wingspan is the fifth biggest among living eagle species. The male wingspan of 1.89 to 2.15 m with an average of 2.02 m, while the female’s usual wingspan range is 2.12 to 2.2 m, with an average of 2.16 m.

Kazakhstan’s national animal Golden eagle occupies the home range that means hunting and nesting area all the yearlong at the time when they got maturity. Birds can be seen soaring and publicity in their possession of a site at any time, however their spectacular rising and falling display flight that habitually seen from February to May. Each home range contains several night-time roosts and often a choice of two or three substitute nest sites, typically on cliff ledges. Both aged male and female build the nest, which is a considerable arrangement of branches, twigs and heather, which lined with woodrush and grass and ornamented with green shrubbery. Cliff nests are 1-1.5m across and up to 2m high, while tree nests can be twice this size. The largest known British nest, exposed in scotland in 1954, which was 4.6m cavernous and had been used for 45 years. The Female Golden eagles generally lay two black eggs in late winter or early spring. Immediately after the first egg is laid the adult Golden eagles start

incubation, the eggs hatch after 45 – 50 days. There is only one chick survives to leave the nest, occasionally, good hunting years lead to both birds surviving.

The national animal of Kazakhstan, Golden eagles is carnivores and frightening hunters like all raptors. They are large and powerful enough to take down an adult deer, but they typically feast on variety of mammals such as rabbits, marmots, mice, hares, the odd wounded or dead lamb or other similarly motionless larger prey, as well as other sporadic animal, reptiles, birds, fish and occasionally carrion or steal prey from other birds. They also eat foxes and young deer.

The golden eagle is a symbol of purity to the people of Kazakhstan. The authority designated the Golden eagle as the national animal as well as the national symbol of Kazakhstan.



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