State Bird Of Ohio
Northern Cardinal Is The Official State Bird Of Ohio. Ohio Adopted the northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) as the official state bird in 1933. One of the most Americans favorite backyard birds, Ohio State Bird northern cardinals are distinctive in appearance and song – known for their familiar “cheer cheer cheer,” “whit-chew whit-chew” and “purty purty purty” whistles. Cardinals Are One of America’s Favorite Backyard birds and are the state bird in seven states: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia. The State Bird Of Ohio Cardinals is in the family of Cardinalidae, are passerine birds found in North and South America. The South American cardinals in the genus Paroaria are placed in another family, the Thraupidae.
The State Bird male cardinal is bright red with black around the beak and eyes and The female is pale gray-brown with a faint red tinge. Both Ohio State Bird male and female can be identified by the large, pointed crest on the head. A cardinal has a thick beak, too. The average length of an adult cardinal bird is about 8 inches. State Bird Of Ohio Cardinals lives in Ohio all year. It is a beautiful sight to see a bright red cardinal against a snowy background in winter. They live in forest edges, thickets, parks, gardens, and suburban areas. Cardinals are even found in our large cities. In spring, the female and male work together to build the nest of grasses, bark, vines, sticks and other plant materials.
“Northern Cardinal”
American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU) Common Name: Northern Cardinal
Family: Cardinalidae, Cardinals
Scientific Name: Cardinalis cardinalis
Length: 8.75″ (22 cm)
Diet: Primarily insects, but also seeds & fruit
Voice: Song a series of high, clear, sharp, mostly slurred whistles woit chew chew chew chew chew or chew many variations
Habitat: Woodland edges, thickets, suburban gardens, towns, swamps
Displays: Male and female Northern Cardinal with outstretched necks and erect crests sway bodies from side to side while singing softly
A number of broods: 2, 3, occasionally 4 broods
Nest: In tree sapling, 1-15′ above ground; compact and well lined to flimsy and scarcely lined; of weed stems, pliable twigs, bark strips, grass rootlets, with leaves and paper are interwoven, lined with fine grass, hair
Eggs: Northern Cardinal Eggs are Averages 3-4 grayish-, bluish-, greenish-white eggs, marked with browns, grays, purples. 1.0″ (25 mm)
Incubation period: 12-13 days
Fledge: 9-10 days after hatching
Longevity Record: 15 Years and 9 months (USGS Bird Banding Lab)