State Flower Of Pennsylvania

State Flower Of Pennsylvania

Mountain Laurel Is The Official State Flower Of Pennsylvania. Mountain laurel was adopted as the official Pennsylvania State Flower in 1933. The Mountain Laurel is considered as the most beautiful of native American shrubs. The National Flower Of Pennsylvania Mountain Laurel plant was originally brought to Europe as an ornamental plant during the 18th century. Each spring and summer, the woods of Pennsylvania bask in the glow of countless pink Mountain Laurel blossoms. The glorious evergreen plant is the State Flower Of Pennsylvania for good reason: it’s everywhere! By mid-June, sunny mountainsides from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh are covered with Mountain Laurel flowers.

The Pennsylvania State Flower is actually an evergreen shrub that’s related to the rhododendron. The flower grows in openings of spruce-fir forests and generally reaches between 6-10 feet tall. Mountain Laurel does particularly well in the Appalachian Mountains and can be found in much of the eastern United States. Beginning in late spring and early summer, clusters of delicate blooms open in umbrella-like fashion in red, pink or white. Because a single bush can produce many flowers, a hillside of blooming mountain laurel looks spectacular. Each year, nature lovers from Allentown to Waterford head to the mountains to catch the National Flower Of Pennsylvania in bloom. The inner surface is usually marked with a waving dark rose-colored line and delicate purple speckles.

Look closely at the State Flower Of Pennsylvania to see that each one has 10 stamens. When the flowers first open, the anthers are tucked into little pockets in the corolla. The filament is sensitive and when touched (usually by insects) it springs up, releasing the anther and its pollen. Pennsylvania Flower Kalmia is a genus that is native only in North America and is mostly confined to the eastern part of the country. It is one of the most beautiful of hardy flowering shrubs and for New England the most valuable of the broad-leaved evergreens. 


Facts About Mountain Laurel:

  1. The plant is also long-lived and can be active for up to 100 years. The Mountain Laurel Fruit is a brown, five celled capsule about 6mm (.25″) wide, which is seen in Rocky woods.
  2. The plant often grows in large thickets, covering large areas of the forest floor.
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