State Flower Of Texas
Bluebonnet Is The Official State Flower Of Texas. The Texas Legislature adopted all species of Bluebonnet as the state flowers of Texas in 1971. Texas State Flower Bluebonnet flowers were named for the blue color and sunbonnet-shaped petals. The Bluebonnet is commonly referred to as the Lupinus texinsus in the scientific world. The National Flower Of Texas bluebonnet flowers grows in stalks, the upper tip of the stalk tinted in white and sometimes yellow. Petals grow on the stalk individually and are said to resemble a sunbonnet because of their curved shape.
The State Flower Of Texas typically grows along roadsides (where water often gathers) and in fields throughout southern and central Texas. Texas State Flower is fairly resistant to cold weather–it rarely freezes at night–and because of the high amount of nitrogen deer rarely eat it, thus making it abundant. Different color strains, white and pink, also exist, although in a much smaller quantity. In the early days, missionaries gathered the seeds of the wild Bluebonnets and planted them around their monasteries, giving rise to the myth that the State Flower Of Texas plant was brought over from Europe. However, there is solid botanical evidence that the Bluebonnet flower is indeed an indigenous species.
National Flower Of Texas Bluebonnets is mentioned in pre-Columbian Native American folktales. Named for their color and a shape similar to a sunbonnet, the Texas State Flower Bluebonnets blossom in March and reach full bloom in April. They’re easily found in fields and along roadsides throughout central and south Texas. In fact, Texas was the first state in the nation to plant flowers alongside the state highways, so State Flower Of Texas Bluebonnet flowers are drivers’ constant companions.
Facts About The Bluebonnet:
- The Genus of State Flower Bluebonnet, Lupinus subcarnosus is also known as Buffalo clover, wolf flower, and by the Mexicans – el Conejo.
- Bluebonnet Flowers are densely arranged on a spike. And It is with a characteristic ice white terminal tip.
- The last racemes of the Bluebonnet, produced during the season tend to be shorter than the first racemes.
- At full bloom, the National Flower Of Texas Bluebonnet plants are 30-50 cm tall, 50-70 cm in diameter, and have a mounded form.
- During the month of April, many Texans and some out of state visitors are visiting areas with bluebonnet blooms to take photos of these stunning vibrant flowers.