State Tree Of Texas
Pecan Tree Is The Official State Tree Of Texas. The Pecan tree became the Texas State Tree by an act of the Texas Legislature. On March 20, 1919, Governor William Pettus Hobby signed Senate Bill No. 317. Pecan is an American Indian word, which appears in varied forms in the languages of many of the tribes. Texas and Georgia State are the largest producers of commercial pecans trees in the United States. Pecan is a major agricultural tree of the USA but not top-ranked. State Tree Of Texas Pecans are difficult to transplant, and they cannot be counted on to produce good crops of nuts when used as landscape trees.
National Tree Of Texas Pecan is a medium to the large native deciduous tree with spreading branches. Its leaves are compound, with 9 to 17 leaflets, each 4 to 7 inches long, and the entire leaf is up to 20 inches long. State Tree Of Texas flowers are small and greenish, borne in clusters called catkins. The brown, cylindrical fruit has a fleshy husk that splits longitudinally with an edible nut inside.
Height: 100-150 ft (30-45 m)
Diameter: 6-10 ft (1.8-3.0 m)
Bark: gray, with shallow furrows
Fruit: brown, cylindrical nut, 1-2 in (2.5-5 cm) long
Leaves: 12-18 in (30-45 cm) long, with 9-17 leaflets
The State Tree Of Texas has a long lifespan of 100 years. Pecan trees may live and bear edible nuts for more than 300 years.
National Tree Of Texas Pecan trees grows in hot, humid climates with long growing seasons. They can tolerate wind, drought, and stress.
The minimum seed-bearing age of Texas State Tree is two to four years in some cultivars and up to 20 years for individuals in natural stands. The maximum seed-bearing age also varies considerably: a maximum of 300 years has been reported. The flowers are wind-pollinated.
Fun Facts About the State Tree of Texas
- The United States is the leading pecan producer in the world. It Produces 80% of the world’s supply of over 250-300 million pounds per year. Georgia, New Mexico, and Texas produce the most pecans.
- There are over 1000 varieties of pecan, but only about 20 are commercially grown for pecan production.
- Texas State Tree Pecans are some of the largest trees and grow over 100’ tall and 75’ wide, and can grow up to 24” in a single year.
- Pecan wood is highly prized for its beautiful wood grain & used for flooring, furniture, and wood-working.