State Tree Of North Dakota
American Elm Tree Is The Official State Tree Of North Dakota. North Dakota Adopted the American elm (Ulmus Americana) as the official state tree in 1947. Due to American Elm graceful form and size, it was an extremely popular urban tree before the spread of Dutch elm disease. North Dakota State Tree American Elm is a large tree, with gray flaky bark. American elm is one of the largest and most graceful trees. American Elm occurs throughout the state, although its numbers have been severely reduced by Dutch elm disease. It is found most often on rich bottomland and moist soil along streams but sometimes grows on higher ground. State Tree Of North Dakota grows quickly, attaining a height of 60–70 feet and a diameter of 2–4 feet. The trunk often divides into numerous limbs, which form a vase-shaped or spreading, round-topped head with graceful, drooping branches.
The bark on the trunk is separated into broad ridges by deep fissures and is ashy-gray on the surface. It shows alternate layers of chocolate brown and buff coloration beneath. The leaves of North Dakota State Tree are alternate,3–6 inches long, with coarsely doubly-toothed margins and uneven bases. The upper surface is dark green and sandpaper-like. The flowers appear in April before the leaves. The fruit of State Tree Of North Dakota consists of a small, winged seed which ripens about the end of May before the leaves have fully developed. It has a wide, open notch at the apex and a hairy margin.
Features of the American Elm:
Size: American Elm Can reach 100 feet tall or more, but generally mature city trees are 60 to 80 feet.
Leaves: Alternating simple leaves that are ovate in shape. Doubly serrated with straight veins. Various sizes, but leaves of American Elm tree are usually are 3 to 6 inches long. Dark green in the summer. Notably, the base is asymmetrical (meaning one side of the leaf is broader than the other). Twigs and buds appear in a striking zig-zag formation.
Flowers: Tiny petal-less reddish flowers on pendulous stalks. Not showy. One of the first trees to flower, often in late winter before the leaves emerge.
Fruit: Small round, flat and papery-looking, with a notch at the apex. They are samaras, containing a single seed, and can be green or yellow.