What is the Connecticut State Bird?

What is the Connecticut State Bird?

American Robin is the state bird of Connecticut. Connecticut selected the American Robin as the official state bird of Connecticut in 1943. Robins are beautiful colored birds. Robins are considered as one of America’s beloved songbirds. The early settlers named these birds “Robins”. They were named after the conversant robin red-breast of Europe.

It was a bird with analogous markings that is not thoroughly connected to the American Robin. Robins are very well-liked backyard birds. Robins are often witnessed pulling up earthworms on lawns. The female Robin has soft color compared to the male robin. Traveling robins are observed for each year as the bringer of spring. Many Robins spend the whole winter in the swamps of New England. There the robins roost in the evergreens and they live on the winter berries. The American robin’s rich songs are composed of whinny and tut sounds.

State Bird of Connecticut Facts —

  • Common name:  Robin
  • Scientific name:  Turdusmigratorius
  • Habitat:  Gardens, parks, yards, golf courses, fields, pastures, tundra, deciduous woodlands, pine forests, shrublands
  • Diet:  earthworms, insects, snails, fruits (chokecherries, hawthorn, dogwood and sumac fruits, juniper berries)
  • Song and Calls:  a string of 10 or so clear whistles assembled from a few often-repeated syllables, that is described as cheerily, cheer up, cheer up, cheerily, cheer up.
  • Weight:  77-85 g
  • Length:  20-28 cm
  • Wingspan:  31-40 cm
  • Average lifespan:  about 2 years
  • Incubation period:  12-14 days

American Ornithologists Union (AOU) Common Name of the Connecticut state bird is American Robin.Its scientific name isTurdusmigratorius. Generally American Robin’s length is 10″ (25 cm). Its main diet is Insects, earthworms, snails, fruits etc. Young birds eat insects. American Robin’s song a series of whistled phrases which is low and has liquid quality which is found in thrushes. Each phrase is delivered quickly but it is delivered with long pauses between the phrases.2 or 3 phrases like plurrri, liwi, plurrri, kliwiare often alternately repeated over and over.

Call differs from a low smooth pup or a shrill, clucking, every so often doubled piik to a sharper, fast, critical series of kliquiquiquiquikoo; also a lower, softer pukpukpuk and a tough, high, downwardshheerr. Their flight call is very high, warbled, descending srreel. It is often united with other calls such as a srreelpukpukpuk. Sometimes their call sounds like alarm same as other thrushes, which is a very high, thing tseew or shorter seew. American Robins are found in cities, towns, farmland, lawns, shade trees and forests. Wooing groups of males often chase female, or male bars around female with tail spread, wings shaking, throat inflated.

Female birds lay 2-3 eggs typically. They nest in trees 10-20′ above ground. They also nest in buildings, other structures which offersenough support, shrubs, infrequently on the ground.They also live in frayed foundation of distended twigs and grass, cup of mud which is lined with fine grass. Its eggs are occasionally white, usually unmarked. The eggs are sometimes flecked with brown color. It’s typically 1.1″ (28 mm) in size. Its incubation period is 12-14 days.

The babies can flyafter 14-16 days after hatching. Their average lifespan is 2 years. Longest lifespan record is 13 Years and 11 months (according to USGS Bird Banding Lab).Robins consume a lot of fruit in fall and winter. They sometimes become intoxicated when they eat honeysuckle berries.American Robins are public sights on lawns across North America. American Robin is the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan and Wisconsin.The law designating the American robin as the official Connecticut state birdis Section 3-109 (State bird) of the Connecticut General Statutes Title 3 (STATE ELECTIVE OFFICERS) Chapter 33 (SECRETARY) Section 3-109.





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