What Is The National Flower of Yugoslavia?
Lily of the Valley is the unofficial national flowerof Yugoslavia. Sometimes it is also written aslily-of-the-valley. It is well known for its sweet and strong fragrance. It is extremely poisonous woodland flowering plant which is native all over the clement Northern Hemisphere in Europe, and Asia. The scientific name of lily of the valley is Convallariamajalis. It is the symbol of purity, sweetness and beauty. In the “language of flowers”, the lily of the valley symbolizes the return of happiness. Because of its sweet fragrance, various uses and symbolism, Lily of the valley is very popular in Yugoslavia and because of the popularity it became Yugoslavia’s national flower.
Facts about Yugoslavia’s National Flower (Lily of the Valley)
- Common Name: Lily of the Valley
- Genus: Convallaria
- Species: majalis
- Found in: Clement Northern Hemisphere in Europe, and Asia
- Color: White, pink
- Number of petals: 6
- Size: 5-10 mm diameter
- Time of blooming: Spring
- Purpose: Ornamental
- Symbolism: Beauty, purity, sweetness, humility
Yugoslavia has many gorgeous things and Lily-of -the -Valley adds to its splendor. Lily-of-the-Valley, the national flower symbol of Yugoslavia, stands for purity and it is considered as a pure flower in the category of flowers. If this flower is added to any bouquet that makes it more beautiful and if it is grown in any garden it adds to the attractiveness of the garden. Lily of the valley can be easily known because of its good and sweet smell and bell like shape.
The lily-of-the-Valley is white in color and it looks like a wedding bell. The beautiful bell shape and the soothing fragrance of this flower makes it a perfect choice for wedding decoration and wedding bouquets. When these flowers are added in country gardens they add to the beauty and calming fragrance of the garden. Lily-of-the-Valley blooms in the spring time and has a long lasting attractiveness. Lily-of-the-Valley is extremely popular for wedding because it stands for purity and sweetness. The stems of this flower grow to 15–30 cm tall, with 1/2 leaves 10–25 cm long. The flowering stems have 2 leaves and a raceme of 5–15 flowers on the stem apex. The flowers have 6 white petals. They are rarely pink and fused at the base which forms a bell-shape of 5–10 mm diameter. It is pleasantly scented.
Nearly all parts of the lily of the valley plant are greatly poisonous, including the red berries which are attractive to children. The plant can cause abdominal pain, reduced heart rate, blurred vision, lethargy, and red skin rashes if ingested even a small amount. The flower is known as Our Lady’s tears or Mary’s tears from Christian legends. It is said that lily of the valley sprang from the weeping of the Virgin Mary during the crucifixion of Jesus. It is also said that the flower came into being from Eve’s tears after she was driven with Adam from the Garden of Eden or from the blood shed by Saint Leonard of Noblac during his battles with a dragon.
It is a symbol of humility in religious painting. Lily of the valley is signifies Christ’s second coming. The power to visualize a better world was also indorsed to the lily of the valley. Legend tells of the warmth of a lily of the valley for a nightingale that did not come back to the woods until the flower bloomed in May. It is used in Weddings although it is very expensive. National flower of Yugoslavia, Lily of the valley was the flower selected by Princess Grace of Monaco to be presented in her bridal bouquet. Lily of the valley was also the floral emblem of Yugoslavia.
To sum up, Lily of the valley is the birth flower for the month of May. The national flower of Yugoslavia, Lily of the Valley represents humility, chastity, sweetness, and purity. It is the most favorite flower of the people of Yugoslavia.