What is the State Flower of Minnesota?

What is the State Flower of Minnesota?

Lady Slipper Orchid is the State flower of Minnesota. Lady slipper (subfamily Cypripedioideae), also called lady’s slipper or slipper orchid that are commonly known as Showy Lady’s-slipper , Cypripedium Pink-and-white Lady’s-slipper or the Queen’s Lady’s-slipper, subfamily of five genera of orchids (family Orchidaceae), in which the lip of the flower is slipper-shaped.

Minnesota’s state flower Lady Slipper Orchid is classified as a family member of Cypripedioideae because various genital qualities like Cypripedium, Mexipedium and Paphiopedilum are found in this flower. This plant develops in the amidst temperature and low water areas. Origin of it was in Northern North America and from there only, this flower spread to remaining parts of the world and adjusted according to the local climatic conditions. The climatic conditions of the state are most adequate for developing this charming flower. This flower is also the official flower of various states and countries in the rest parts of world. Minnesota is the motherland of more than 500 species of Lady Slipper Orchid while all over the world more than thousand species are found. Due to vast availability, beauty and longevity in life, this flower has been adapted by the state government as the official State Flower of Minnesota in 1902.

State Flower Minnesota Facts:

  • Common Name:  Showy Lady’s-slipper, Cypripedium Pink-and-white Lady’s-slipper or the Queen’s Lady’s-slipper
  • Family:  Orchidaceae
  • Subfamily:  Cypripedioideae
  • Color:  Yellow, Pink, White
  • Number of leaves:  2
  • Time of blooming:  All year round with the interval of three months. Winter is the most compatible time for the blooming.
  • Purpose:  Decorative flower
  • Symbolism:  Sacred, as it is related to the religion of the locality.

The state flower of Minnesota, Lady’s slipper orchids, is usually terrestrial, though some are epiphytic or grow on rocks. Most species have rhizomes and fibrous roots. Unlike most other orchids, the flowers characteristically feature two fertile anthers (male, pollen-producing structures) instead of just one. The slipper-shaped lip of the flower serves as a trap for pollinating insects, forcing insect visitors to climb past the reproductive structures and deposit or receive pollinia (pollen masses) to fertilize the flower.

The plant of this flower is not too large and has a small and strong stem which controls entire body and expansion of the plant. Stem of this plant has the light green and brown cover and naturally thicker in comparison to other flowers. Growing of this plant is possible in the dry and cool areas whether of forests or wetland, shallow banks of the lakes and ponds. From the bottom of the stem, leaves start growing. Approximately 12 leaves per plant grow along the remaining part of the plants. These leaves are sufficient fleshy to provide water support to remaining portions of the plant. From pendent, which is generally long more than 60cm, a branch goes to the stem and creates support for shouldering the load of fully fledged plant. Various colors of plants are seen in the areas of Minnesota. Somewhere Yellow flowers are bloomed with brownish supporting leaves and somewhere, Pink flowers are with greenish supporting leaves. Earlier, this flower was the monopoly of North America.

The size and shape of this flower is amazing and durability and longevity of life span is also amazing. One flower with complete sub leaves stays on branches till 18 days. In India, this flower is also known as Sita Pushpa and Draupadi Pushpa. Both the goddesses have worn this flower it is evident from various religious books. It is believed that Goddess Sita and Goddess Draupadi used this flower in their plates. Hence the symbolization of this flower starts from ancient period and also shows the origin and usage of this flower.

To sum up, the state flower of Minnesota is a flower that is related to the local culture and religion. It is also a flower that is found in abundance throughout the whole state. This is why the Lady’s Slipper orchids have been adopted as the state flower symbol of Minnesota






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