State Flower Of Nevada

State Flower Of Nevada

Sagebrush Is The Official State Flower Of Nevada. Nevada Adopted the sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata or trifida) as the official Nevada State Flower in 1917. Sagebrush is known as the black sagebrush, blue sagebrush, common sagebrush, or the big sagebrush. The sagebrush is a hardy, coarse, silvery-green bush that grows in the deserts of the southwest United States. The National Flower Of Nevada sagebrush has a pungent smell during the wet season. The Native Americans used it for medicinal purposes and weaving mats. The plant grows to between 3 and 6 feet but can reach 12 feet in wet areas and along riverbanks.

Most plants grow to about 4 feet (1.2 m) tall, though they can become much larger in favorable conditions. Leaves are narrow, not particularly long, and covered with silvery hairs. Though the plants are evergreen, they shed their leaves twice every year in spring and fall as new leaves grow. The State Flower Of Nevada sagebrush grows in the desert environments of North America from California to Canada in the north, east to Nebraska, and southwards to Mexico. The plants breathe life to the rugged deserts and provide cover for other plants and animals against the scorching sun. From late summer into fall, the flowers bloom turning the deserts yellow.

During the winter, the Nevada State Flower sagebrush provides food for cattle and sheep. It is found within the limits of Las Vegas, Carson City, and Reno where it grows to a height of between 3 to 6 feet. In some areas of Nevada, the National Flower Of Nevada sagebrush slows down the famous cattle drives, as herders have to pick their way through dense bushes.



Duration: Perennial

Plant: Upright, branching shrub

Mature Height: 1.3–15 ft (.4–4.5 m)

Flowering: August-September

Flowers: up to .2 in (.5 cm) tubes

Flower Color: Creamy white or yellow

Leaves: 1/2–1 1/2 in (1.27–3.8 cm) long, narrow, usually with three scallops at the tip

Fruit/Seed Color: Black

Location: Dry, sunny locations, usually desert slopes at 980–9,800 ft (300–3,000 m)

Range: California northwards into Canada, eastwards into Nebraska, and southwards to Mexico


Facts About Sagebrush

  • The leaves of Sagebrush contain aromatic volatile oils that prevent herbivores from digesting their leaves.
  • The seeds of Sagebrush are very small and black.
  • The leaves of Sagebrush emit sweet, pungent turpentine fragrance, after a rainstorm.
  • The foliage of Sagebrush is Gray and is edible.
  • The fruit of Sagebrush is also edible.
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