State Tree Of Nevada
Nevada Has Two Official State Tree.
Single-Leaf Piñon Is The Official State Tree Of Nevada. Nevada Adopted the single-leaf piñon (Pinus monophylla) is the official Nevada State Tree in 1953. Singleleaf pinyon pine is also known as nut pine, Nevada nut pine, and piñon. Singleleaf pinyon pine is the only pine bearing a single needle per bundle. National Tree Of Nevada Singleleaf pinyon pine is a small, rounded, bushy-looking evergreen tree with multiple, upswept, gnarled branches due to lack of self-pruning. Nevada State Tree needles normally grow singly, and on rare occasions, in pairs. Cones are two to three inches long, with deep pockets under each scale to hold the large seeds. Cones that dry and open in the fall drop to the ground in winter or spring and may form a conspicuous litter layer. State Tree Of Nevada Singleleaf pinyon is long-lived. On fire-safe sites, large trees can monopolize site resources over a lifespan of 350 years or more. Pinyons (Cembroides) typically grow in association with juniper, the pinyons dominating the upper elevations while the juniper dominates the lower.
Height: 20-66 ft (6-20 m)
Diameter: up to 31.5 in (80 cm)
Bark: smooth and thin, with deep, irregular fissures, thickens with age
Seed: 1.4-2.2 in (3.5-5.5 cm) long cone with thick scales
Leaves: solitary, rigid, 1-1.4 in (2.5-3.5 cm) long needles
Bristlecone Pine Is The Official State Tree Of Nevada. Nevada Adopted the bristlecone pine as an official state tree in 1987. Nevada State Tree Bristlecone pine was chosen to represent Nevada in the National Grove of State Trees. Also known as Great Basin bristlecone pine, intermountain bristlecone pine, or Western bristlecone pine, this tree is native to California, Nevada, and Utah. National Tree Of Nevada Bristlecone is the ultimate mountaintop tree, holding to life at the limit of the tree line. Only a few of the highest mountains in the southwest are cold and dry enough to support the lifestyle of bristlecone pine. National Tree Of Nevada Bristlecone pine is a small pine tree, growing to a gnarled old specimen with extreme age at high elevations, but assuming a more conical form in less stressful sites. It has groups of five, short, curved needles, and cones 3 to 5 inches long. Bristlecone pine is highly drought tolerant.
Height: 15-60 ft (5-18 m)
Diameter: up to 5 ft (1.5 m)
Bark: bright orange-yellow, very thin and scaly at the base of the trunk
Seed: 2-5.5 in (5-14 cm) long, cone armed with an incurved, bristly prickle
Leaves: very short, curved needles crowded into mass