What is the State Animal of Nevada?

What is the State Animal of Nevada?

Desert Bighorn Sheep is the official state animal of Nevada. Desert Bighorn Sheep was entitled as the official Nevada state animal in 1973. Ovis canadensis nelsoni is the scientific name of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep. It is commonly known as Bighorn sheep, which are native to the United States and Mexico.

Bighorn inhabit alpine meadows, grassy mountain slopes and foothill country near rugged, rocky cliffs and bluffs. The law designating the Desert Bighorn Sheep as the official state animal of Nevada is found in the Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 19, Chapter 235, Section 235.070.

State animal of Nevada Facts—

  • Common Name:  Desert Bighorn Sheep or bighorn sheep.
  • Scientific Name:  Ovis canadensis nelsoni
  • Color:  from light brown to grayish or dark brown, and have a white rump and lining on the backs of all four legs.
  • Height:  Males (rams) are 2½ – 3 ¼ feet; Females (ewes) are little smaller.
  • Weight & Length:  Males typically weigh 120 to 125 kg, which are 160 to 180 cm tall at the shoulder. Females are usually 50 to 90 kg, 140 to 160 cm tall.
  • Diet:  Bighorn sheep eat grasses or sedges, woody plants, such as willow, sage and rabbit brush, desert holly and desert cactus.
  • Cubs:  Babies of the Bighorn sheep called lamb. The female bighorn (ewes) have gestation period of six-month. In moderate climates, the rut occurs in November with one, or rarely two and lambs being born in May.
  • Behavior:  Bighorn sheep usually lives in flocks of about 5 to 15 ewes, lambs, yearlings, and two-year olds, which are turn to 100 in the winter.
  • Lifespan:  The lifespan of ewes 10–14 years and for rams is usually 9–12 years.
    Nevada’s state animal Desert Bighorn Sheep have separate names of both male and female. The male Bighorn sheep called ram and identified through his huge brown spiral horns while the female bighorn sheep are called ewe, which also have horns but little shorter and smaller than ram. The bighorn sheep has short brown pelt with a white muzzle and rump patch.









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