State Flower Of Vermont
Red Clover Is The Official State Flower Of Vermont. Vermont Adopted The Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) as the Vermont State Flower on February 1, 1895. The red clover flower plant is a wild-growing perennial in meadows throughout Europe and Asia. Red clover flower is also known as Pavine Clover or Cowgrass. In 1894, when Vermonters decided to choose a state flower, most of the contenders were blossoms common in the state’s fields and meadows, such as daisies and buttercups. Clover won the day, though, not only because its small pink blooms have long been an integral part of the state’s landscape, but also because it’s a favored food of Vermont’s economically important dairy cows and a nitrogen fixer important to the state’s many farms.
The Vermont State Flower Plants have hollow, hairy stems and branches both medium and mammoth in size, averaging 18 inches and 24 to 30 inches, respectively. Medium types have about four branches per stem; mammoth has six. Each leaf consists of a slender stalk bearing three leaflets. Seed pods are small and short, containing kidney-shaped seeds that vary in color from yellow to deep violet. Though State Flower Of Vermont Red clover is a perennial, it’s not a long-lived plant, usually surviving only two or three years. Stems are hollow and branching with a cluster of three leaves at the end of each stem and fine, silvery hairs.
The plant’s upper stems produce pink, round, or oval flowers. Each flower is actually a rounded cluster of 100–125 tiny five-petaled tubular flowers. Plants go dormant in winter. Honeybees and bumblebees are fond of the flowers and do most of the pollinating. Flowers give way to pods containing just one or two seeds. Plants spread through their roots as well as by seed. Both flowers and leaves are fragrant. Most people associate the flower’s scent with honey.
Facts About Red Clover:
- State Flower Red clover is also used in skin problems, like psoriasis and upper respiratory tract problems.
- Red clover plant lives only for 1-3 years.
- The leaflets of the Red clover has a light green, V-shaped smudge in the center.
- The root system in the Red clover flowering plant is a well-developed taproot that is drought resistant.
- Red clover flowering plant parts are said to retard the progress of cancerous tumors before ulceration has taken place.