What is the California State Bird?
California valley quail is the state bird of California. California valley quail was titled as the official state bird of California in 1931. California valley quail is a ground-dwelling bird. It is very famous for its power to adopt. California valley quail is a plump bird. It is smaller than pigeons. This bird has a plume. This plume is made of six small feathers.
This plume wilts onward.The males have black plume and the females have brown plume. The flanks of California Valley Quail are brown with white strips. The male California Valley Quails have a cap that is dark brown. They have a dark face with a brown rear. They also have a grey-blue colored chest and a belly that is light brown. The femaleCalifornia valley quailand juvenile birds are grey-brown in color with a bright-colored tummy.
State Bird of California Facts —
- Common name: California quail
- Scientific name: Callipeplacalifornica
- Habitat: chaparral, sagebrush, oak woodlands, foothill forests, city parks, suburban gardens
- Diet: seed, leaves, flowers, catkins, grain, poison oak berries, caterpillars, beetles, mites, snails
- Song and Calls: three syllable call like the bird is saying “chi-ka-go”
- Weight: 140-230 g
- Length: 24-27 cm
- Wingspan: 32-37 cm
- Average lifespan: less than 1 year
- Incubation period: 22-23 days
The California state bird California quails digestplants with the help of protozoans in their intestine. The babiesobtain the protozoans by poking at the feces of grownups. Numerous California quailchildrencan mix after they hatch. All the parent birdstake care for the babies. Grownups that nurturebabies this way incline to live longer than grownups that do not.Couples of California quailhave alternative calls which fit them into a firmlyarrangeddesign.The California quail’s head trail or topknot, seems like a single feather, but it is really a bunch of six overlying feathers.As an adaptation to living in drysurroundings, California Quails can frequentlysurvive without water.
They get their moistness from insects and juicyplants. During days of continued heat they have to find drinking water to stay alive.The California quail is California’s state bird. California quail nests maycomprisea lot of eggs. The number is roughly 28 eggs. These hugenumber may be the result of female birds laying eggs in nests other than their own.This strange behavior known as “egg-dumping.”California Quail are beautiful. They arevery popular with game hunters. They have been familiarized to numerous other portions of the world, such as Hawaii, Europe, and New Zealand.Their average lifespan is less than 1 year.
The oldest known California quail was 6 years 11 months old.They are mostly a seedeater. They also eat leaves, flowers, catkins, grain, manzanita and poison oak berries, acorns, and invertebrates such as caterpillars, beetles, mites, millipedes, and snails. Their diet is naturally about 70% vegan.California quail are normally seen walking, running, or scrabbling at the ground and leaf jumble for seeds and other food.
They infrequently forage in trees. California quailusuallyfeed in open spaces but stay adjacent to cover. When they run, they can move astonishingly quickly in spite of their short legs. If forced by a predator they will start to fly with fast, whizzwing beats. California quailconstruct flocks known as coveys in the seasons of fall and winter.The flockstypicallycomprise family groups and can amountto more than 75 individual birds. They settle in trees and foddermostly in the morning and evening. They spend most of the day in bushes that shelter them from the sun and defend them from enemies.
The law entitling the California valley quail as the official California state bird and avifaunal emblem is Section 420-429.7 of the California Government Code, specifically Title 1 (GENERAL) Division 2( STATE SEAL, FLAG, AND EMBLEMS Chapter 2 (STATE FLAG AND EMBLEMS) Section 423.