What Is The National Flower of Spain?
Red Carnation is the National Flower of Spain. Dianthus caryophyllus is the scientific name of Red Carnation and it is commonly known as Red Carnation or Clavel in Spanish. Traditionally Carnations flowers used to express feelings since the olden days. Like roses, colors of carnations carry different meanings and it is wise to find out the meanings for each color before giving them to any Spanish people as presents.
Red Carnation is widely grown in Aragon and Andalusia, the southern areas of Spain. It has been used to adorn windows of traditional white houses of Spain since the peasants’ age. It is also a part of various traditions and cultures of Spain. This is why Red Carnation is Spain national flower.
Facts about Spain’s National Flower
- Common Name: Red Carnation, carnation or Clavel
- Genus: Dianthus
- Species: Caryophyllales
- Color: Red, white, yellow and green, pinkish purple
- Time of blooming: June
- Purpose: Ornamental tree
- Symbolism: Love and Fascination
Carnation is an herbaceous perennial plant growing to 80 cm tall. The leaves are glaucous having a sort of greyish green to blue-green color, slender, and up to 15 cm long. It is produced separately or up to five together in a cyme; they are 3–5 cm in diameter, and sweetly perfumed.
The original natural flower color is bright pinkish-purple, but other colors, including red, white, yellow, and green are also famous. Carnations require well-drained impartial or slightly alkaline soil, full sun and the soil should be kept moist.
The Spain national flower, Red Carnations are bisexual plants and bloom in the month of June and they continue to bloom for six to eight weeks. This flower is famous as the symbol of love, affection, and admiration in different countries.
History And Facts
The red carnation is the most popular flower in Spain. From earlier times, Spain is a place of parties and so the people there never leave any opportunity to get together for celebrations and the Bunch of Carnations is always the choice of people to greet their near and dear ones.
The most attractive flower of a Chinese wedding is the carnation. In Japan, the red carnation symbolizes love and is the most common flower for Mother’s Day (also in the USA). It is also the birth flower for January. All carnations symbolize love and heart feeling but different colors of the flower also carry different meanings.
The red carnation is the symbol of Deep Love and Admiration, White carnation symbolizes Pure Love and Good Luck, Pink carnation represents A Mother’s Love and Yellow carnation is the symbol of Disappointment or Rejection. Carnations help to relieve stress, weakness, depression, insomnia, and female hormonal imbalances.
To sum up, Red Carnation is the national flower of Spain. One of the oldest cultivated flowers in the world is Red Carnation. It is famous and appreciated for its decorative appearance, attractive fragrance, and long-lasting blooming period. The relation of this flower to the tradition of Spain is what makes the Red carnation the national flower of Spain.
✅Spanish National Flower
The national flower of Spain is the red carnation. Red Carnation is widely grown in Aragon and Andalusia, the southern areas of Spain.
✅Why is the Carnation Spain’s National Flower?
Carnations represent a mother’s love so are given on Mother’s Day representing that pure love. Spain is a country with strong feelings about family, and the carnation represents the love and devotion that can thrive in difficult situations.