What is The National Parks of Lebanon?
In a world where technology has taken over our lives, it will be good to try to reconnect with the environment that is surrounding us. Also, it’s a healthy habit that you need to pick up if you’re a busy person. Lebanon is full of amazing parks and gardens where we can disconnect from our everyday lives and focus on ourselves. 5 Amazing Parks of Lebanon:
1. JoueClub Toy Store & Playground Le Mall Sin El Fil Lebanon
2. JoueClub Toy Store & Playground Beirut Souks Lebanon
3. Watergate Water Park Le Royal Dbaye Lebanon
4. Rio Lento Naher El Kalb Lebanon
5. ZigZag Karout Mall Hadath Beirut Lebanon
1. https://gotolebanon.com/lebanon/all-cities/things-to-do/lebanon-amusement-parks/
2. https://www.the961.com/7-parks-and-gardens-in-lebanon/