What is the State Bat of Virginia?

What is the State Bat of Virginia?

Virginia big-eared bat is the official state bat of Virginia. It was entitled as the official state bat of Virginia in 2005. The scientific name of the big-eared bat of Virginia is Corynorhinos townsendii Virginians. On March 22, 2005, Governor Marc Warner signed the legislation designating the Virginia Big-eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus) as the official state bat of the Commonwealth of Virginia, effective July 1, 2005. The law designating the Virginia Big-eared bat as the official Virginia state bat is found in the Code of Virginia Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 510.

State Bat of Virginia Facts—

  • Common Name: Virginia big-eared bat
  • Scientific Name: Corynorhinus townsendii virginianus
  • Color: Light to dark brown
  • Length: 90-112 mm
  • Weight: 9-12 grams
  • Diet: mostly moths
  • Cubs: a single pup in every June
  • Major strength: Hearing power
  • Major weakness: Short-sightedness
  • Lifespan: up to 16 years

Virginia’s state bat, the Virginia big-eared bat is one of two endangered subspecies of Townsend’s big-eared bat. It is found in West Virginia, North Carolina, and Kentucky. These bats are listed as federally endangered, mainly due to their small population and limited habitat and distribution.
This big eared bat is of medium size with huge ears joined across the forehead.

They have extended nostril openings, soft long fur, with the dorsal hairs dark, brown at the tip. Females assemble from diverse hibernacula during April and May to form maternity colonies in warm caves. Virginia’s state bat symbol helps to educate Virginians about caves and the creatures that inhabit them.




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