What is the Idaho State Bird?

What is the Idaho State Bird?

The mountain bluebird was titled as the official state bird of Idaho in 1931. The mountain bluebird is copious the mountains of Idaho. This lovely littlebird is found on farm land and other open regions of the American West. The mountain bluebird favors more open habitats than the other bluebirds. They can be found in cooler habitats in winter.

The Idaho’s state bird mountain bluebirds endure colder habitats than the other bluebirds.The male mountain bluebird is sky-blue in color. The female bluebird is gray and its wings and tail are blue. The female mountain bluebird can construct the nest without any support from the male birds. The male sometimes helps in the nest-building work. Their main diet is insects (beetles, grasshoppers, and caterpillar), plants and berries.

They silage in flocks in winter.State Bird of Idaho Facts —

  • Common name:  Mountain Bluebird
  • Scientific name:  Sialiaarctcia
  • Habitat:  prairie and tundra edges, meadows, sagebrush flats, alpine hillsides, pastures, and recently burned or clearcut areas
  • Diet:  insects (beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillar), plants and berries.
  • Song and Calls:  loud, emphatic, chirruping song similar to American robin
  • Weight:  30 g
  • Length:  16-20 cm
  • Average lifespan:  6-10 years
  • Incubation period:  13 days

The male Mountain Bluebird exhibits at his nest hollow to entice a female bluebird. He fetches nest material to the hole. He moves inside and outside and shakes his wings while balanced above that. That is all of his role in building the nest. Only the female Mountain Bluebird constructs the nest and nurtures the eggs. The state bird of Idaho Mountain Bluebirds naturally have more than one fruitful offspring every year. Babies produced in early nests typically leave their parents in summer time. The young ones from later nests often stay with their parents in the winter.

Mountain Bluebirds can be found across eastern North America and south as far as Nicaragua. Birds which are living beyond north and in the west of the range have a habit of laying more eggs than the eastern and southern birds. Mountain Bluebirds mostly eat berries, insects and wild fruit and. Sometimes, Mountain Bluebirds have also been witnessed seizing and consuming larger prey items such as shrews, salamanders, snakes, tree frogs and lizards. Their average lifespan is 6-10 years. Mountain Bluebirds mainly live in open country area around trees. The original habitations include open, regularly burned pine savannas, beaver ponds, developed but open woods, and forest openings. They are most common along pastures, agricultural fields, suburban parks, backyards, and golf courses now-a-days.

Insects found on the ground are bluebird’s chief food for most of the year. Key prey include caterpillars, beetles crickets, grasshoppers, and spiders. During fall and winter, Mountain Bluebirds eat huge amounts of fruit including mistletoe, sumac, blueberries, black cherry, tupelo, currants, wild holly, dogwood berries, hackberries, honeysuckle, bay, pokeweed, and juniper berries. Hardly, Mountain Bluebirds have been documented eating salamanders, shrews, snakes, lizards, and tree frogs. Most of the time, Bluebird eggs are pale blue most. Infrequently a bird will lay a white one. Bluebirds are family focused birds. Bluebirds can reach speeds up to 17 miles per hour in flight. Bluebirds love to bathe and play in backyard birdbaths during the winter season.

The oldest recorded Mountain Bluebird was a female, and at least 9 years old when she was recaptured and rereleased during banding operations in Alberta in 2005. She had been banded in the same province in 1997. The Twenty-first Session of the State Legislature passed an act designating the mountain bluebird (Sialiaarctcia) the “…state bird of Idaho” on February 28, 1931. The law designating the mountain bluebird (Sialiaarctcia) as the official Idaho state bird is Section 67-4501 (STATE BIRD DESIGNATED) of the Idaho Statutes, Title 67 (STATE GOVERNMENT AND STATE AFFAIRS) Chapter 45 (STATE SYMBOLS) Section 67-4501.





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