What Is The State Tree of Utah?

What Is The State Tree of Utah?

Quaking Aspen is the State Tree of Utah. Populus tremuloides is the scientific name of Quaking Aspen and it is commonly known as quaking aspen, trembling aspen, Quakies, American aspen, mountain or golden aspen, trembling poplar, white poplar, popple. Populus is the genus of the Quaking Aspen and P. tremuloides is its species. Utah’s State tree Quaking Aspen belongs from the family of Salicaceae (Willow family). Quaking Aspen is the most widely spread tree, which is very native to North America, being found in the range from Canada to central Mexico. It is the important species of the aspen parkland biome in the Prairie Provinces of Canada and great northwest Minnesota.

When state bodies select a symbol for the state it should be represented extraordinary design, quality, availability, expression, and usefulness, cultural, traditional and religious background, which go back thousands of years or its popularities The Quaking Aspen tree is the most valuable tree species in Utah. On the basis of the facts mentioned above, the state legislation was approved and the Quaking Aspen became the official tree of the state on May 13, 2014, the state legislation was approved and the Quaking Aspen became the official tree state of Utah replacing the blue spruce tree, which was the first official state tree of Utah since 1933.

The Facts of the State Tree of Utah [Quaking Aspen]

  • Common Names:  quaking aspen, trembling aspen, Quakies, American aspen, mountain or golden aspen, trembling poplar, white poplar, popple
  • Family:  Salicaceae – Willow family
  • Genus:  Populus
  • Species:  Populus tremuloides
  • Found in:  native to North America, being found in the range from Canada to central Mexico.
  • Leaf:  The leaves of the quaking aspen tree is alternately arranged, simple, 1 to 3 inches long, green above and paler below, heart-shaped to flat in cross-section rather than round with a fine-toothed border. The distinctive wavy of aspen tree leaves is one of the most distinguished features
  • Flower:  The Quaking Aspen tree has produced both male and female flower in the same tree. The length of the flowers is in between 1 to 3 inch long and hanging down.
  • Fruit:  The fruit of the quaking aspen tree is a Pale green colored very small cottony seed, which borne in capsules those are generated on a 10-centimeter-long pendulous string of 6-millimeter capsules, each capsule containing about ten tiny seeds. The winds are spreading the seeds in early summer when they are matured.
  • Twig:  The twigs of the quaking aspen tree is slim, glabrous, reddish brown color habitually with a gray, waxy film, which buds are conical, reddish brown and the terminal buds are 1/4 inch long, maybe somewhat resinous.
  • Bark: The bark of the quaking aspen tree is smooth, creamy yellowish-white to very light green when it is juvenile, which are turn to thick grooves and becoming dark, particularly at the base.
  • Purpose: Ornamental.
  • Symbolism: Strength, shelter, protection and life, determination and overcoming fears and doubts.

Utah’s State tree Quaking Aspen prefer cool, dry summers and huge sunlight and heavy snow in the winter. Quaking Aspens frequently grow in associate with pine trees, cottonwood and willow trees. It is an important source of food and shelter for more than five hundred species. The leaves, twigs, and bark are preferential by deer, elk, black bears, cottontails, porcupine, grouse, mice, snowshoe hares, quail, shrews, and beaver. It is also good food for caterpillars of various moths and butterflies.

Due to the wood of the quaking aspens are dry slowly and rotten quickly so it is treated as poor fuelwood. Even though it is very soft and lightweight wood and widely used for pulp products like as books, newsprint, and fine printing paper. It is especially good for panel products such as oriented strand board and wafer-board and also used for making furniture, boxes and crates, core stock in plywood, and wall panels.

The bark of Quaking Aspen tree has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. The tea made from the Aspens leaves would drink by the Native American women to ease menstrual spasms. It is also relieved in alleviating diarrhea and urinary disorders
To sum up, Quaking Aspen is the people’s favorite State Tree of Utah, which symbolized Strength, shelter, protection and life, determination and overcoming fears and doubts. Although it is an official State tree symbol of Utah, it outstandingly represents and glorifies the spirit of Utah culture.








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