State Fish Of Nebraska
Channel Catfish Is The Official State Fish Of Nebraska. Nebraska Adopted the channel catfish as the official Nebraska State Fish in 1997. Nebraska’s most numerous catfish, the channel catfish is a whiskered bottom-feeder and one of the country’s largest fish. National Fish Of Nebraska Channel Catfish has very flavorful meat, which makes it a favorite of both anglers and fish farmers who raise millions of fish every year. This bottom-dwelling fish is olive-brown to slate-blue on the back and sides with many small black spots and a silvery-white belly.
State Fish Of Nebraska Channel catfish and blue catfish are distinguished from other “flathead catfish” by their deeply forked tail fin, their large size, and an upper jaw that projects over the lower jaw. Nebraska State Fish Channel catfish have a very acute sense of smell and can detect odors as diluted as 1 part per 100 million in water. the channel catfish can grow to 50 pounds or more (the world record was a channel catfish caught in South Carolina weighing 58 pounds). The average size is between 2 and 4 pounds. Large, deep streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and ponds especially those with slow-moving water and sand, gravel, or rubble bottoms.
State Fish Of Nebraska Channel catfish are most abundant in large rivers with low or moderate current. Throughout the eastern and central United States (apart from most of the coastal plain north of Florida), southern Canada, and parts of northern Mexico. National Fish Of Nebraska Channel catfish eat insect larvae, small fish, freshwater shrimp, snails, crayfish, frogs, crabs, mollusks, and aquatic plants. Males Nebraska State Fish select nest sites and guard the eggs. Nests are built in undercut riverbanks, tree roots, drift piles, under rock ledges, or in sunken debris. The female deposits a mass of 2,000 to 21,000 golden eggs at the bottom of the nest.
Channel Catfish Facts
- Catfish are monogamous, meaning they have only one mate during the spawning season.
- Large freshwater fish, such as flathead catfish and muskies, are the predators to channel catfish.
- Channel catfish can be a variety of different colors depending on the environment they are in. Common colors include olive, light blue, and bluish-gray.