What is the Alaska State Bird?
Willow Ptarmigan is the state bird of Alaska. In 1955, the Willow Ptarmigan was titled as the official state bird of Alaska. Willow ptarmigan are pretty big birds. They arealmost similar to the size of a small chicken. The male Willow Ptarmigan has a chestnut brown neck and head, with a white belly squelched with brown in the summer. The eyebrows are reddishand the tail feathers are black.
The bird is completely white except for its beak, eyes, and outer tail in the winter. It also preserves the red eyebrow. The feet of the Alaska state bird are feathered which act as snow shoes.The female Willow Ptarmiganis similar to the male bird in winter. It is a mottled brown with few white on its belly in the winter.
State Bird of Alaska Facts —
- Common name: Willow Ptarmigan
- Scientific name: Lagopuslagopus
- Family: Pheasants and Grouse
- Habitat: Sparse pine, birch forests, tundra, heather moors, and mountain slopes.
- Diet: Willows, twigs, catkins, mosses and lichens.
- Incubation period: 21-22 days
- Enemies: Foxes, owls, hawks
Great Britain’s Willow Ptarmigan is known as the “Red Grouse.” It does not modify its complexion in the winter. It remains completely reddish brown all over the year. The Willow Ptarmigan is the world’s only grouse in which the male bird is frequentlytangled in parental care. The bird pairs stay together from the start of the breeding season until their babies are self-sufficient.Willow Ptarmigan is a typical bird of the arctic tundra. Its scientific name is Lagopuslagopus.
Sparse pine, birch forests, tundra, heather moors, and mountain slopes is the habitat of Willow Ptarmigan. They eat willows, twigs, catkins, mosses and lichens.Ptarmigan are small and chicken-like.There are three types of ptarmigan. They are Willow Ptarmigan, Red Grouse and Rock Ptarmigan.All of them are found in Alaska.Willow Ptarmigans are members of the grouse family. Their Incubation period is21-22 days.
The babies hatch after about 3 weeks and they fledge when they are 10 days old. Foxes, owls, hawks are the natural enemies of Willow Ptarmigan.
The law entitling the willow ptarmigan as the official Alaska state bird is Section 44.09.060 (State bird) of the 2015 Alaska Statutes, specifically Title 44 (State Government), Chapter 09 (State Seal, Flag, and Emblems), Section 060 (State Bird).