Honours System of China | Symbols of China

Honours System of China | Symbols of China

The Order of Friendship Or The People’s Republic of China Friendship Award is The National Honours System of China. It is The Highest Award for “Foreign Experts who have made Outstanding Contributions to the Country’s Economic and Social Progress”.

The first Friendship Medal was awarded by President Xi Jinping to Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, on June 8, 2018.  The Award Was First Established in the 1950s. The Order of the Republic is another of China’s highest honor. Order of Brilliant Jade, Order of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Also The National Awards Of China.

Civilian orders:

  1. Order of Brilliant Jade
  2. Order of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
  3. Order of Chiang Chung-Cheng
  4. Order of Propitious Clouds
  5. The Order of Brilliant Star


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