Transportation And Physical Map of Colorado | Large And Printable Map

Transportation And Physical Map of Colorado | Large And Printable Map

Transportation And Physical Map of Colorado | Large And Printable Map is the Map of Colorado. You can also free download Map images HD Wallpapers for use desktop and laptop. Click Printable Large Map

Colorado is a landlocked state and bordered by Wyoming, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona.  It is the 8th largest and 21st most populous state. Physical Map of Colorado covers an area of 104,094 square miles and the estimated population is 5.77 million. The Transportation Map of Colorado features its highway and road system in the state.

Interstate 25 (I-25) is the primary north-south highway in the state. It connects Colorado with Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, and Fort Collins, and extending north to Wyoming and south to New Mexico. I-70 is another primary highway to connect the east-west corridor. It connects Grand Junction and the mountain communities with Denver then enters Utah and Kansas.  Denver International Airport(DIA) is the fifth-busiest domestic airports in the US. It handles most of the air traffic between Chicago and the Pacific coast.

Colorado is one of only three states (the others are Wyoming and Utah) that have only lines of latitude and longitude for borders. East of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains is the Colorado Eastern Plains, the section of the Great Plains within Colorado at elevations ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 m.

To the west lay the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains with notable peaks such as Long’s Peak, Mount EvansPike’s Peak. The Western Slope is generally drained by the Colorado River and its tributaries. Grand Junction is the largest city on the Western Slope. Denver is the capital of Colorado.

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