Tourist Map of Luxembourg | Luxembourg Travel Guide
Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in the world. it covers less than 1,650 square kilometers With a population of 500,000 residents it is more like a large town than a country. Luxembourg size actually makes it a great place to visit as many of the main attractions are concentrated in one place. The center of the city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in its own right. Many of the top sights can be found here.
It’s also an easy country to travel around with a tourist map of Luxembourg, whether on foot in the capital city, on a driving tour through the picturesque countryside, or town-hopping by train. Old fortresses and beautiful castles complement the scene, making it a popular tourist destination that is frequently visited in combination with surrounding countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands. Find the best places on the Tourist Map of Luxembourg to visit with our list of the top attractions in Luxembourg.
Tourist Map of Luxembourg | Luxembourg Travel Guide is the Map of Luxembourg . You can also free download Map images HD Wallpapers for use desktop and laptop.
The Old Quarter, Luxembourg City which was Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994, the city's ancient fortifications made it one of the most important of Europe's cities. The fortress was so impregnable, it was dubbed the "Gibraltar of the North," and although the original fortress was dismantled between 1867 and 1883, its impact upon the Old Quarter is evident everywhere.
The National Museum of History and Art is one of Europe's most historically important cities. Topping the list is the National Museum of History and Art (MNHA). Located in the historic Fish Market area (the old town center), the MNHA's collections - art objects, archeological finds, furniture, tools, coins, arms, and documents dealing with the history of the country - are housed in a stunning new building.