National Parliament Building of India | Symbols of India
The Sansad Bhawan is the National Parliament Building of India. It is located in New Delhi. The National Parliament Building of India was designed by the British architect Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker in 1912-1913 and construction began in 1921 and ended in 1927. The opening ceremony of the Parliament House was performed on 18 January 1927 by Lord Irwin, the Viceroy of India.
The perimeter of the building is circular, with 144 columns on the outside. At the center of the building is the circular Central Chamber, and surrounding this Chamber are three semicircular halls that were constructed for the sessions of the Chamber of Princes (now used as the Library Hall), the State Council (now used for the Rajya Sabha), and the Central Legislative Assembly (now used for the Lok Sabha). The building is surrounded by large gardens and the perimeter is fenced off by sandstone railings (jali).